Young Lawyers Foundation

GENERAL CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIPPlatinum Sponsor +25,000$Gold Sponsor +20,000$Silver Sponsor +10,000$Sponsor +5,000$Contributor +2,500$
Sponsors will be listed in the AYCEE Conference Program, on large Video Screen in the meeting rooms and websiteExtra large logoLarge LogoMedium LogoLogoName
Sponsor receive one free registration in each 2,500$10+8421
Access to attendees names /Companies/Organizations 15 days prio to the conferenceYesYesYes--
Sponsor can have access to place a tent or get table to display materials on his/her business for sale or exhibitionDouble TableSingle TableSingle Table--
Free Access to 500 Sqf for meeting for non conference hour’s .Sponsor responsible for other costs.YesYes---
Mention in the medias, TV ,Website ,RadioYesYesYes--
Press Conference attendance31---
OR Choose Specific Event Sponsorship
Kick off Reception Sponsor(Opening Remarks at the reception ) 4,000$
Kick off libation Sponsor(Signs with your logo on all beverage tables) 3,500$
Lunch SponsorsNon Exclusive your logo posted on each table $7500 (Up to three Sponsors)
Poster Reception (Great visibility-prominent signage ,recognition in program and on website, table, w/power for display if requested5,000 Non Exclusive(Up to Three)
Breakfast Sponsor (Cards with your logo posted in each table)5,000 Exclusive 2,500 Non Exclusive (Up to 2)
Snack Breaks ( Tent Card placed in each buffet table with your logo)2,500 up to 2 Sponsors
Program printing (Podium acknowledgement at the opening session )10,000$ (Prominent acknowledgement at the program
Social Media Sponsor (Host the tweeter feeds with your logo displayed, sponsor must supply the twitter account and computer we supply two screens for viewing.)4,000$
Audio Visual Sponsor (Tent card at all session rooms)7,000 $ Tour Sponsors(
Tour Sponsors( Your logo and business advertised in website, logo placed in the tour car ,your logo displayed in all regions that the car pass to Arusha or Mtwara,15,000 $Non Exclusive ( Up to three Sponsors)
T-Shirt Sponsors (Your logo appears in each T-shirt1,000 Non Exclusive (Up to four Sponsors)
If you don’t see what you need to obtain Value from AYCEE please contactjacobmogendi@gmail.com or +255 714 553415
Interested to Sponsor any Category Please Contact us @ +255 714 5534 15 or email youthlawyerstz@gmail.com /jacobmogendi@gmail.com